Paintings, Drawings, Prints & Tapestries


Possessor Country CB
Abbey of the Dunes (Bruges) Belgium 6059
Adenauer, Dr. K. Germany 376
Agnew, Th. United Kingdom 1012 6336
Alexander Belgium 6022
Altamira Spain 358
Argoutinsky-Dolgoroukoff, Prince W. Russia 590
Armitage, Rev. F. W. unk. 280
Artaria, A. unk. 6651
Audley, G. unk. 3026
Bachofen-Burckhardt Switzerland 6170
Barbier Belgium 6552
Barnard, Lord (Raby Castle County Durham)) United Kingdom 6490
Bavarian State Painting Collection (Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen) Germany 89 993 1144 6066 6067 6068 6069 6110 6141 6142 6408
Baxter, W.B. unk. 6380
Bedingfield, Sir J. United Kingdom 6994
Belper, Lord United Kingdom 6079
Bernheimer, O. Germany 6025
Bertels unk. 6332
Bihn, L. United Kingdom 6606 6607
Bijl, H.R. Netherlands 613
Billedgaleri, Bergen Norway 6255
Birmingham Museum of Art United Kingdom 6125
BNP Paribas Fortis Belgium 1012 6336
Bob Jones University United States 6564
Bode, W. von Germany 90
Böhm unk. 6651
Bonnet-Mel France 6074
Boreel, A. unk. 6651
Bouman-Slingenberg, G. W. Netherlands 6082
Bourguignon de Fabregoules France 481
Bowes, J. United Kingdom 6129
Boysen, Dr. H. Germany 475
Brantsen unk. 6409
Bray France 6640
Brugmann de Walzin Belgium 6917
Buccleugh, Duke of United Kingdom 6253 7025
Butöt unk. 6062
Cabanel, A. unk. 6238
Cacault France 6943
Caledon, Earl of United Kingdom 6181
Calendo, E. France 592
Campe, H. W. unk. 927
Cankrie, J. Ch. United Kingdom 60
Carlisle, H., 4th Earl of United Kingdom 6994
Catherine Palace (Tsarskoye Selo) unk. 6042
Cavens, Comte Belgium 471
Chapuis, J.J. Belgium 6919
Charles III of Spain unk. 1011
Charles Theodor, Prince-Elector of Bavaria unk. 993 6066 6110
Charles XV, King of Sweden unk. 6065
Château Mazarin (Rethel) France 809
Cheke, Lady unk. 6080
Chiesa, A. Italy
Church of the Grand Béguinage of Brussels unk. 6395
Coffyn, B. France 6218
Colección Fórum Filatélico Spain
Colección Real Spain 6035 6036 6037 6038 6039
Collection Schloss Miltenberg am Main unk. 6387
Convent of the Sisters of Notre-Dame of Thuin Belgium 7040
Cotton, W. I unk. 6275
Cotton, W. II unk. 6275
Cotton, W. III unk. 6275
Cottrell-Dormer, T. United Kingdom 6815
Cust, Mrs. R. United Kingdom 6818
Czernin unk. 6104 6685
Davis, F. unk. 6050
Davis, J. unk. 6061
Davis, TH. M. United States 6072
de Beauffort Belgium 6258 6852 6917 6925
de Bery Italy 6548
de Bourgevin Vialart, J.-B. France 6595 6649
De Bruyne Netherlands 6324
de Callataÿ, E. Belgium 67
de Corny, Comte France 6211
de Géradon Belgium 6934
de Grez, Douairière Belgium 6651
de Halleux, A. Belgium 347 6497
de Lacaze, Marquis France 976
de Lacaze, Marquis France 6117
de Limbourg Stirum Belgium 6244
de Limont-Triest Belgium 6848
de Maere d'Aertrycke Belgium 1186
de Meyer, Dr. Belgium 1039
de Sejournet, P. Belgium 6154 6216 6228
de Selys-Longchamps Belgium 1186
de Silguy, Comte J.-M. France 94 97 99 100 6028
de Vicq unk. 6076
de Wit, W. unk. 6264
Degeuser, A. France 82
Del Monte Belgium 6260 6515
Delbecke, Ch. Belgium 6934
della Faille Belgium 6925
Dick-Cunyngham United Kingdom 7033
Dienst der Belastingen, Rotterdam Netherlands 6711
Dony, P. Belgium 6652
Drury-Lowe, P. United Kingdom 7034
du Parc, Comte B. unk. 950
du Roy de Blicquy Belgium 1172 6530
Due, F. unk. 6033
Duflot, F. unk. 6906
Duke of Norfolk unk.
Egremont, Earl of unk. 975
Elder, J. unk. 6130
Ellames, A. G. United States 6729
Ellesmere, The Earl of United Kingdom 6744
Esterházy Slovakia 6109
Estherazy von Galantha, Fürst N. Austria 6647
Fahlcrantz unk. 6432
Farnese, I. Spain 1011
Ferdinand VII of Spain unk. 1011
Fernandez Duran, P. & de Quiros, B. Spain 84 85
Fiévez, F. Belgium 6021 6252
Frederick the Great unk. 6270
Frémin unk. 6095
Galerie zu Augsburg Germany 89 6066
Geelhand de Merxem, G. Belgium 6844
Geiger coll. unk. 7022
Geldersch Landschap en Kasteelen Netherlands 6409
Gerdner, C. Switzerland 6846
Geysebergs, I. unk. 1138
Godfrey unk. 6128
Gogué, B. unk. 6129
Goldsmid, J. unk. 6001
Goldsmith, W. S. unk. 342
Gove Browne United Kingdom 6216
Gruuthuse Museum Belgium 6948
Guéant, J.Ph. France 7004
Gulston, J. United Kingdom 6906
Habich, E. United States 6577
Harvey, W. United Kingdom 60
Harzen, G.E. Germany 838 839 840 6973
Henderson, J. United Kingdom 6753
Henkel, E. unk. 6084
Henroz, G. Belgium 6190
Himmelheber, B. Germany 6570
Holland, Lord United Kingdom 6125
Hope, H. A. unk. 6101
Hope, H.A. United Kingdom
Hope, J.H. United Kingdom 6101
Hopsson, E.G. Sweden 6693
Hoser, Dr. J. Czechia 6139
Hulin de Loo Belgium 6113
Hummelberger, Fr. Czechia 6501
Humphrey of Traford, Sir United Kingdom 1012 6336
Ingram, Sir B. United Kingdom 951
Italian State unk. 6137 6209
James, S H. United Kingdom 6384
Jesuit College in Bruges unk. 6045 6047
JJS unk. 638
Joosen Belgium 6955
Jüngeling, H. Netherlands 509
Kaunitz-Rietberg, Prince Austria 1108
Kila, H.R.M. Switzerland 6417
Knole House United Kingdom
Koenigs unk. 949
Komor, L. United States 264
Kruyfhooft, C. Belgium 992 7007
Kunsthalle Mannheim Germany 6070
L'Hermite unk. 6244
La Caze, L. unk. 101 6057
Lanz, G.B. Switzerland 488 6178 6179
Lavalard France 6279 6280 6281
Lázaro Galdiano, J. Spain 6435
Le Bermuth Belgium 6260 6515
Le Roy Belgium 6024
Leempoels, J. Belgium 6545
Lenoir, D. Germany 6898
Leski, Prof. J. Poland 6585
Leslie-Smith, L. United Kingdom 176
Liechtenstein, Johann I Josef, Prince of unk. 6344 6345
Linnartz unk. 6211
Lucchesi-Palli, A. Italy 6060
Lugt, Fr. France 592
Lumley, D. F. United Kingdom 6081
Madrazo, Don Luis de Spain 358
Magnin, M. unk. 6051
Malenza, Dr. P. Italy 7022
Marshall, H.B. unk. 1170
Martin, C. unk. 6026
Mastraeten, P.-L. unk. 6396
Maye Germany 6144
McLellan,, A. United Kingdom 110
Medioli, E. Italy 6201
Meeus, L. Belgium 1152
Mellaert, J.H.J. United Kingdom 6590
Menke, J.L. Belgium 6463
Meyer, J. unk. 86
Mignot, D. unk. 6301
Montagu United Kingdom 6456
Mouriau, A. Belgium 751 952
Müller, C. unk. 925
Musker, R. unk. 170
Muzeum Sztuki w Łodzi Poland 6548
National Loan Collection Trust United Kingdom 60
Nesky, E.F. Germany 6954
Norfolk, Duke of United Kingdom 6111 6215
Nottebohm, O. unk. 6094
Novàk, J.V. Czechia 6252
Old Abbey of the Dunes (Ten Duinen Abbey) Belgium 891 940
Openbare collectie Verenigde Nederlandse Uitgeversbedrijven B.V. (VNU) Netherlands 6563
Oppé, P. unk. 6583
Palmer, E.C. United Kingdom 6254
Parys Feldberg, E. Israel 6585
Pastrana Spain 358
Pastrana, Duches de unk. 6120
Payne Knight, R. unk. 1027
Pecqueur-Defossez France 105
Pettigrew, W.R. United States 6087
Petworth House United Kingdom 7035
Pinchet Belgium 6469
Piniński, L. Poland 6325
Pitcairn Knowles, W. United Kingdom 952
Porgès, J. France 6334
Porkay, M. Hungary 487
Potocki unk. 6271
Poynder, Dr. E. United Kingdom 6528
Prehn, J.V. Germany 743
Prestel, F. unk. 952
Reder, Dr. United Kingdom 6920
Reitlinger unk. 613 950
Reynolds, Sir J. unk. 1027
Ringling, J. unk. 6087
Rittweger, I. Belgium 6023
Roberts, Lord United Kingdom 6488
Robinson, Ch. unk. 6043
Rochebousseau, Marquis de la unk. 6332
Rogers, Ch. unk. 6275
Rousham House United Kingdom
Roy, P. Switzerland 6001
Royale Belge Belgium 5233 6016 6172
Rumohr Germany 830
Rutley, Th. R. United Kingdom 60
Sackville Estate United Kingdom 7036
Saint James Church, Leuven Belgium 6397
Saint-Morys, Ch.-P. France 6595 6649 6650
San Francisco Museum of Art United States 6125
Sandby, P. United Kingdom 838
Schaeffer, H. United States 6577
Scheid-van den Abeele, Mrs. Ch. unk. 6194
Schenk von Scheinberg, Baron Germany 6190
Schouteden Wéry unk. 1111 6246
Schutz United States 942
Schweitzer unk. 6128
Semenov-Tian-Chansky Russia 6041
Shipley, J.A.D. United Kingdom 7012
Sinclair, Sir A. United Kingdom 787
Société Générale de Banque Belgium 1012 6336
Spark, V. D. United States 6287
Sperling, H.G. unk. 943
Städel, J. F. unk. 1018 1120
Steinmetz Belgium 6603
Stenman, G. Sweden 6745
Steyer, H. Czechia 6501
Stifters unk. 1018
Stroganoff, Count G. Russia 6146
Stumpf, J. unk. 501
Stüve, G. Germany 90
Stuyck del Bruyère Belgium 6530
Suermondt-Ludwig-Museum, Aachen (inv. GK 16 - stolen c. 1945) unk. 6146
Sutherland, The Duke of United Kingdom 6744
Terlinden, Ch. Belgium 6516
The Belvedere unk. 6045 6047
The Cooper-Mullen English Trust United Kingdom 6493
The Egremont Collection United Kingdom 975
The Harper Crewe Collection United Kingdom 6131
The New York Historical Society United States 6002
The Royal and SunAlliance Collection unk. 6425
Toussaint, R. Germany 6380
Trouhuff, A. France 6334
Van Cutsem unk. 6286
van den Broeck, R. Belgium 6420
Van der Bruggen, R. Belgium 6916
van der Feltz, Baron Netherlands 6324
van der Kaa, H. Netherlands 5246
van Dongen, A. Netherlands 6616
van Innis unk. 6291
Van Leeuwen, H. Netherlands 609
Van Parijs unk. 541
van Regteren Altena Netherlands 952
Verschraeghen Belgium 6965
Vischer-Staehelin unk. 342
von Balk-Poleff, Peter Baron Germany 6973
von Beckerath Germany 540 541 825 826 829
von Bruckenthal, Baron S. unk. 6285 6689
von Klinkosh, C. Poland 6566 6567 6568
von Lamberg, Graf unk. 1070 6106
von Mellenthin unk. 6346
von Rosen Sweden 6263
von Sachsen-Teschen, Herzog A. Austria 1071 1075 1077 6578
von Uffenbach, J. F. A. Germany 6589
W. Belgium 609 927 1047
Wallisch unk. 6252
Walter, J. unk. 6332
Watney, O.V. United Kingdom 6214
Wauters, E. Belgium 1170
Wedewer, Prof. Dr. Germany 6501
Weissenberg, H. United States
Welcker, Dr. A. Netherlands 6594 6912
Wellington, Duke of United Kingdom 6961
Wemyss, Earl of unk. 6827
Wesendonk, K. unk. 6099
Wettenstein, Ritter von Romania 6331
Wijk, O. Sweden 6736
Willems, J. Belgium 6615 6906
Williams, H. unk. 6001
Williams, Th. unk. 6001
Winsor, L. unk. 6061
Witt, Sir R. United Kingdom 579 6590
Yalta Museum of Local History, Yalta (Crimea) unk. 6146
Zenner, Dr. F. Belgium 76
Zurstrassen, Baron unk. 6187